Hey Guys…. I am Sorry

Hey Guys I am so sorry for the big delay in getting back to blogging. I have had a really tough month or two with work and my self esteem. But I am coming back. My brother is currently helping me work on the site. I have had it rough and my amazing family and friends have borne the brunt of my mood swings and crankiness. But enough about me. I wanna know how you guys have been. Its been far too long. Joag is back in business. Now what should my first topic be, Im in a pysched mood, feeling good today so I wanna capitalize on it.

Author: JustoneAutisticGirl

My About for 2016. Tada! LOL I am JOAG, Joag is a fictional character I created to help me write about Autism. JOAG is an acronym for Just One Autistic Girl. JOAG is a unique individual with a passion for autism. Now this year I am taking the blog a step further. Joag is creating a website. Not Just any website A web forum based on autism. creating a safe place for those on the spectrum. In my blog I tell personal stories my personal stories not some fictitious nonsense I make up to make my blog seem more relevant to you. Now I want a personal goal for me. I want to do something for me. Each day I want to be inspiring I am going to run 2 miles everyday. 2 Miles a day times 365 days. 730 Miles is doable and it’s a good start for someone just getting started. But my goal for the blog and site this year is the intervention for bullying. I don't have a stat yet for the number of people in the world with autism. But we do know that it touches 2.8 mil people a day How many people are bullied on the spectrum? How many are silent sufferers? How long will we let this go on?

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